Chairman of the U.S. National Commission for UNESCO to Join World Genesis Foundation at Youth Academy in Romania

World Genesis Foundation Headquarters
"We are very excited to have Guy at the Academy for the second year. In 2012, Guy connected with so many youth with his enthusiasm, his words and the time he spent sharing," said World Genesis Foundation President and CEO, Heather Caton MSW.
The World Genesis Foundation and UNESCO Center for Peace have had the opportunity to not only partner with several educational programs but also to connect and extend our missions and visions together. “We are very excited to have Guy accept our invitation and to visit and participate at the Academy this year. There is no doubt, once again be a highlight of the program, “said Sorin Repanovici, Vice President of the World Genesis Foundation and coordinator of Atlantykron Summer Academy of Learning.
The World Genesis Foundation is a 501c3 not-for-profit organization that was founded on November 30, 1999 and is dedicated to a vision and mission to "leave no child without hope for the future." Headquartered in Santa Fe, NM USA, the foundation supports activities worldwide to create educational, scientific and cultural opportunities for youth with a special focus in areas of the world where these opportunities are limited or do not exist.
Atlantykron Summer Academy - Official Website
The UNESCO Center for Peace
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Public Relations, press@WorldGenesis.org, The World Genesis Foundation, 1523 N Overlook DR, Dewey, AZ 86327, UNITED STATES of AMERICA
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