There are many other ways to support.  Donations have a great impact on extending our reach to create hope for more youth. We gratefully accept donations of money or material and can also apply a donation to a specific program or in memory or honor of somebody special in your life.

View our Urgent Projects List

Whether sponsoring individual youth, or donating time, material or money, there are many ways you can support the goal to "leave no child without hope for the future." We invite you to read more on this page or to contact us to discuss how we might work together.

Sponsor A Program

Sponsor a program to light the spark of imagination and hope

One great way to support is to sponsor a program for youth in the sciences, arts, sports, culture and so many other areas. Another way is to sponsor the travel for a single youth or team, giving them the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to participate in a special event. We would be pleased to discuss how you or your organization might sponsor a program. Read more to view a list of our Urgent Projects.

Volunteer Your Support

We welcome you to join us to help build or manage projects

One of the greatest gifts is the gift of time. Participating in a World Genesis Foundation youth program can be a life-changing event for both volunteers and young participants. We have needs for support in so many areas including both project preparation and management. If you may have an interest to volunteer, we hope you will contact us.

Make A Donation

Donations Create New Hope

Our charter creates opportunities for youth where opportunities are limited or simply do not exist. Every donation literally creates hope where hope did not exist before.

The World Genesis Foundation applies 100% of all donations to youth projects.

Donations are never used for administrative purposes. In addition to 100% application we ensure 90% of all donations go to direct benefit of youth, 10% higher than most foundations and charities in the world today.

There are many ways to donate. Please click on the links below to learn more.

Please contact us anytime if you have questions or suggestions about donations.